Nothing can excite a homeowner more than a fresh bathroom remodel. On average, in addition to the joy you will receive as you relax in your new bathroom, bathroom remodels will give you the highest return on investment of any remodeling project. Before tackling a bathroom remodeling job, the first step is to decide what you are looking for in the finished project. Do you want it to be a simple place to do your business? Or, is it to be your “garden of Eden,” a place to wash away all the worries and stresses of your daily life? The answer to that question will determine a lot of the decisions regarding the potential project.
First, gather some pictures from magazines of bathrooms which may interest you, and then take a trip to your local home center to check out some floor models and take a few pictures of the ones that may work for you. Now take those pictures into the bathroom and figure out which ones may work in your home.
Now comes the biggest question of all: Do I tackle the project myself, or do I hire a professional? While it is certainly one of the more expensive remodeling projects that you might undertake, saving a few bucks is not necessarily the most important consideration. Just as a bathroom remodel can add the most to your home remodel, a poorly completed job can impact your home’s value in a way that is not in your favor.
If you attempt the job yourself, can you make the job look professional? We have all seen bathrooms where the toilet isn’t level, or the tile spacing isn’t quite right, or the tiles are inconsistently cut? Can you avoid these pitfalls to save a few bucks? Even if other people don’t notice minor mistakes, will your eyes always focus on minor problem areas? If you are anything like me, you will always focus on those minor shortfalls. Will you enjoy the finished job if that is the case? Bathroom remodeling jobs can also uncover other hidden problems that may make the job more difficult. Are you prepared for the unexpected, or will you be stuck with a half done remodel, scrambling for a professional to help. In some cases, bringing a professional in after the fact can cost more than simply getting the right professional involved in the beginning.
Another factor to consider is the time involved. Bathrooms can be especially complicated remodeling jobs, and are not to be taken lightly by the average homeowner. I can almost guarantee that you will run into things that were not anticipated, and it will usually be more time consuming than originally thought. Can you live with a half finished bathroom for several weeks, or possibly a month or more? Professionals will often have seen it all, and can minimize the time that you will be without the use of the bathroom.
Not all professionals are created alike. Ask for references and a chance to see samples of their work. The last thing you want is to hire a professional only to find out later that this is their first bathroom remodel.
A.C. T. Services would be honored to have the opportunity to show you the best choices for remodeling your
home bathroom in the San Antonio or Houston Texas area and turning it into the oasis you desire. We have been in the home improvement business since 1978 and can help to put our three decades of experience to work in making your new bathroom beautify your home and turning your home into the showplace that you desire. We will make the bathroom match your personality, as well as your personal tastes, as most of all, you are the most important member of our remodeling team.